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Welcome to my Heal Live Thrive journey



I have been on my own health journey ever since graduating from Wesleyan in May '13. A month after graduation I got shoulder surgery. My health and spirit deteriorated; I was moving less and on lots of pain-medication. Mid-recovery I moved to NYC and got food poisoning twice in a row. A whole month of tummy aches and uncomfortable bowl movements. It felt like rock bottom.


Thanks to a dear friend, I discovered Paleo. After I started reading about this evolutionary-informed way of eating, l was hooked. In the first two months of strict Paleo I saw an immediate boost to my energy levels, immunity, and clarity. I felt alive, vibrant, and hopeful. Heal.


Not only was I transforming physically and mentally, but I realized that Paleo is more than a temporary diet; it is a movement that inspires mindful eating, thinking, moving, and relationships. I became a part of this community and have been transforming different aspects of my life to align with the healthy and balanced lifestyle that I deserve. Live.


Today I happily stay away from the  doctor's office and the gym; I turn to holistic remedies instead of relying on synthetic chemicals. I listen to myself and tune-in through meditation. A health-conscious chef, I make homemade sauces, energy bars, soups, Paleo “spaghetti” and healthy "ice cream." Check out my Four Ingredients dessert company here. I have made a full transformation and continue to get stronger and healthier each day. Thrive.


A healthy lifestyle is a mindful one. My mission is to inspire others to become more mindful of what they eat, how they move, and how their decisions impact their life. Heal Live Thrive is a three-part journey for a wholesome life that we all deserve.



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